Chelsea is an Associate Professor of Music at at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She teaches music history, introductory
ethnomusicology, music theory, music entrepreneurship, guitar performance and ensemble performance. Drawing on her experience as a professional guitar soloist and ensemble player, Chelsea also directs the Cairo Guitar Collective and the AUC Guitar Ensemble. She frequently performs throughout Egypt and the US.
Exciting news! Sight-Reading for Guitar: The Keep Going Method Book & Video Series launched on April 2, 2020. It is an open resource (online and free). This series is the culmination of two years’ work and genuine collaborative effort between the author, composers, specialists at the Center for Learning & Teaching (American University in Cairo), members of the Rebus Community, peer-reviewers, and beta-testers. We are all excited to share it with you!
Cairo Guitar Collective's recent full-length album, Egyptian Composers for Guitar, features compositions by four prominent Egyptian composers, written expressly for CGC. Listen to the pieces, which are streaming from CGC's website.
Listen to live performances of French art songs by Reynaldo Hahn and Eric Satie by Les Copines below. All transcriptions for guitar and voice and the full-length recording these works can be purchased via California Guitar Archives.